Busy days call for simple recipes the family will love. These 4 Quick and Easy Chicken Recipes are perfect for when time is short, but you still want to eat well. Plus find the linky for #CookBlogShare Week 27.
A huge thank you!!
Gosh I can’t believe it has been 4 weeks since I shared here that I had launched a brand new blog: Productive Blogging – a website dedicated to helping bloggers grow and monetise their blogs without burning out! (Plus lots of help for those who want to start a blog too.)
How time has flown! I have been bowled over by your support and encouragement and by how many of you have taken the time to stop by, leave me a comment, follow me on social media and sign up for my newsletter! Thank you all so much!!
If you haven’t had a chance yet, you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest and you can sign up for the Productive Blogging newsletter here.
Since last time I hosted #CookBlogShare I have also launched the Productive Blogging Community: a really supportive and friendly Facebook group for bloggers to ask questions, share tips and generally chat with like-minded people about blogging and productivity.
It’s open to all and I’d love you to join us, if you haven’t already!
4 Quick and Easy Chicken Recipes
Are you finding life is just getting busier and busier at the moment? I think it’s particularly busy for those of us with school age kids, as EVERYTHING seems to happen in the last couple of weeks of term (mine have 3 weeks to go and they are JAM PACKED!!). While the holidays throw up other blogging challenges, I am actually really looking forward to them this year – I am getting a bit fed up with wall to wall school meetings, services, trips, sports events…not to mention the 427 emails that I get from school each week. Don’t get me wrong I love all these things individually, but when they all happen in the same few weeks…it’s exhausting!!
It’s at busy times like this I am grateful for quick and easy meals that the family will love (luckily, I have a whole website full of them!!) Last week Jenny over at Apply To Face hosted the #CookBlogShare linky…and it’s no surprise that the recipes that caught my eye were all quick and easy chicken recipes. All of them can be made in 30 minutes or less (give or take a bit of marinating), none of them require much effort and I know they would all go down brilliantly with my hubby and kids!!
If you are not a #CookBlogShare regular and are wondering what an earth I am going on about, #CookBlogShare is a place for bloggers to share their recipes. If you are a blogger and have a recipe to share, you can link up your post by following the instructions below. If you are not a blogger, but love food and cooking, do check out the recipes that will be appearing below. If this week is as good as they usually are you will find some awesome recipes – the #CookBlogShare bloggers are very good at what they do!
Easy Chicken Nachos
The first recipe that caught my eye were these delicious Easy Chicken Nachos from Jacqui over at Recipes Made Easy. Perfect to enjoy outside with a drink or in front of the TV watching your favourite sporting event! The nice thing about homemade nachos is you can make them as hot or as mild as you like, and they taste so much better than when made with a bought sauce and homemade hardly takes any more time!
Hot and Spicy BBQ Chicken and Chorizo Skewers
Another great dish for outdoor eating are these Hot and Spicy BBQ Chicken and Chorizo Skewers from Louise at A Strong Coffee. Simplicity itself, these skewers require just 3 ingredients, but I can just imagine how awesome they must taste! She is also sharing on this recipe details of how to win a Grillstream BBQ plus lots of other BBQ related prizes – but hurry the competition closes on the 15th July 2018!!
Simple Chicken and Bacon Salad
Salads can often be a bit boring or not very filling…but not this Simple Chicken and Bacon Salad from Cat over at Curly’s Cooking. Packed with fried chicken, new potatoes, bacon, peppers, sweetcorn and more, this salad will not leave you feeling disappointed in any way. Perfect for eating outdoors on hot and sunny days – you can even BBQ the chicken, bacon and peppers for that extra touch of deliciousness (alternatively this can be cooked inside, if barbecuing is too much faff, or the weather is not playing ball!)
Cheat’s Jerk Chicken with Rice & Peas
Are you in need of an uncomplicated, home-cooked meal with some easy shortcuts that really delivers on flavour too AND can be on your table in under half an hour! Then Jo at Jo’s Kitchen Larder has the answer in her Cheat’s Jerk Chicken with Rice & Peas. She uses ready pre-cooked rice and ready-made Jamaican Jerk seasoning to make this dinner super quick and easy. I’m pretty sure, if you fancy it, you could cook the chicken on the BBQ, but Jo shows how it can be made indoors (using just one pan). Great if you are short on time. I reckon this would make great lunchbox leftovers the next day too!!
#CookBlogShare Linky Week 27
And so we come to this week’s linky. You can link up any foodie post that you have – both old and new posts are welcome. All you need to do is:
- Link up a recipe or foodie post by clicking the blue ‘add your link’ button below and following the instructions (maximum of 4, please).
- Add a link from your post back to this post (so everyone else can find it and link up too!) and / or add the #CookBlogShare badge to your post (you can find the code below).
- Comment on one of the host’s posts and a minimum of 2 other posts linked up here, and generally share the love with a bit of social media action!
If you wish, you can tweet a link to your recipe to me @easypeasyfoodie and also (if you have room on the tweet!) my co-hosts Kirsty @k_phillipson, Jacqui @jacdotbee and Monika @MonikasRecipes, using the #CookBlogShare hashtag and we will retweet them. You can also post your recipe on the Cook Blog Share Facebook Page.
Need some help on Instagram? You and me both…so let’s help each other! Whenever you post to Instagram, use the #CookBlogShare hashtag, then quickly hop over to the #CookBlogShare feed, liking as many as you can and commenting on any that particularly catch your eye. Not a big job at all, but if we all do it, it would make a BIG difference!!
I will comment on a selection of my favourite posts this week and pin them all to the Cook Blog Share Pinterest Board. I can’t wait to see what you’ve all been making!
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Just to remind you, by joining in, you are giving the #CookBlogShare hosts permission to use your pictures in a round up and on social media, if your recipe is selected as one of our favourites!
Next week #CookBlogShare will be hosted by Jacqui at Recipes Made Easy 🙂
Jacqui |Recipes Made Easy says
A great round up – you can never have too many chicken recipes and easy one too! Thank you for including my nachos. Will have to try the others they all sound so good.
Eb Gargano says
Thanks Jacqui! Totally agree – there’s always room for an extra chicken recipe or 4! Love the sound of your nachos so much – NEED to try them!! Eb x
Donna says
Chicken’s the best, isn’t it? So versatile and easy!
Eb Gargano says
Totally!! So much variety, with so little hassle 😀 Eb x
Corina Blum says
I love easy chicken recipes like this that just need a good marinade! In fact, I’ve got some chicken marinating in the fridge right now for our dinner tonight (and hopefully next week’s blog post!)
Eb Gargano says
Me too! Better flavour + better texture + low effort = my kind of food!! Looking forward to next week’s blog post 😀 Eb x
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
You can never have enough chicken recipes, especially easy and quick ones in the summer. I am going to be checking out your new blog! Very cool
Eb Gargano says
Definitely!! Thanks – hope you like the new blog 😀
jenny says
Fabulous round up.I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Jacqui’s Nachos all week!I am SO going to make them.#CookBlogShare
Eb Gargano says
Hahaha – they do look like pretty awesome nachos don’t they – and perfect timing with the world cup. That is definitely a nachos type occasion!! Eb x
Jo Allison / Jo's Kitchen Larder says
I so feel you Eb with school and all the events! My youngest is not even at school yet and I’ve got sports day, weekly school settling in sessions in preparation for September and nursery graduation too ;)! Add to that my 7 year old and all his school events and it’s non stop;)! Busy, busy and I thought run up to Christmas was pretty crazy! That was nothing lol! 🙂
As for the round-up you simply cannot go wrong with chicken when you’re after something quick and easy! Great, easy recipes and thanks so much for including my Cheat’s Jerk Chicken too! x
Eb Gargano says
Oh it’s never ending, isn’t it? At least mine are at the same school and in the same key stage… so mostly it’s the same activities at the same time, but still it’s a lot. And now I’ve just been handed a note from my daughter to tell me she’s got a performance of her African drumming on Wednesday at 2.30 – aaaaargh!! I think I’m going to spend most of the first week of the school holidays lying down in a darkened room!! Eb x
Marilyn Lesniak says
Thank you for hosting! My offerings this week include a Summer Snack Mix, Chicken Jerk Salad, and a Tuna Salad in a Cantaloupe Bowl. Enjoy your week!
Eb Gargano says
You are welcome Marilyn. Thanks for joining in! Eb 🙂
Cat | Curly's Cooking says
Thanks for including my Simple Chicken & Bacon Salad. The other chicken recipes look so delicious, especially those chicken nachos which look amazing x
Eb Gargano says
A pleasure Cat – it looks totally wonderful and so, so EASY – my kind of food, that is!! Yes I know those nachos do look good don’t they? Jacqui’s been getting a lot of love for them!! Eb x
Angela / Only Crumbs Remain says
How time flies – how on earth has 4 wks passed since you told us that you’d hit the ‘publish’ kep on Productive Blogging?! I swear time goes faster the older I get.
Angela x
Eb Gargano says
I KNOW!!! Crazy huh? I am convinced of exactly the same. Can’t believe it’s nearly the summer holidays! Eb x
Michelle Frank | Flipped-Out Food says
Thanks for the great roundup, Eb! Chicken is always a winner in my book because it’s so easy—and versatile, as these yummy recipes brilliantly illustrate! Congratulations on your Productive Blogging site too: I’m learning a lot, both from the site itself and from the Facebook group!
Eb Gargano says
Aw, thanks Michelle – so pleased you are finding Productive Blogging and the Facebook group helpful. I am just bowled over by how fantastic the FB group is – not because of anything I’ve done, I hasten to add, but because of all the fab people in it and all the amazing contributions. It’s really what I hoped it would be: a place where bloggers help and support their fellow bloggers. Makes me so happy! Eb x
Mandy says
These recipes all look so summery! Just perfect for this gorgeous weather we’re having at the moment. Love it.
Eb Gargano says
Thanks Mandy! Yes all the recipes linked up lately have a distinctively summery feel – can’t think why!! 😀 Seriously, this weather is amazing. I’m assuming it will probably continue until the first day of the school holidays and then rain for 6 solid weeks, though!! Eb x
jenny paulin says
fabulous round up Eb with some very tempting recipes.
also congratulations on 4 weeks into your second blog 🙂 x
Eb Gargano says
Thanks Jenny 🙂
Nickki says
I can never have enough ideas for chicken! These all look delicious – some great new ideas! Congratulations on your new blog – I’m loving it! I really need to find some time to sit down and explore it properly. There just isn’t enough hours in the day and it’s even worse in the holidays! Hope you’re having a great weekend. Nickki x
Eb Gargano says
Thanks Nickki! Haha – sounds like you definitely need to read my blog then, lots of tips about to get more done in less time and my latest post is a guide to managing the holidays!! Eb x
Louise Fairweather says
Git to love some quick and easy recipes, especially in this heat – thanks for sharing x
Eb Gargano says
Definitely!! Eb x