As the nights are drawing in and the weather is getting chillier, wrap up all snuggly and make one of these delicious warming meals. A soup, a stew or a curry? You choose! Plus find the linkup for Week 45 of #CookBlogShare below.
I have been a busy, busy girl lately…first there was the amazing Food Writing course I went on a few weeks ago which had me reading out my work to ‘delicious’ magazine editor Karen Barnes…eek!! Then last week I attended another course, this time all about Food Photography, hosted by the amazing Emily Quinton of Makelight Studios. If you haven’t read that post yet, I really recommend you do – if nothing else, but for the fantastic comments at the bottom about natural vs artificial light photography! I really enjoyed reading all the discussion and debate on that hot topic last week. 🙂 Please do go and add your opinion too – the more the merrier!!
And today will be another busy, but fun day as I am heading down to the River Cottage for a Christmas Feast with a selection of other foodie bloggers, organised by the fab team at Foodies100! I am so super excited!!! Do check out my social media today as I will be tweeting, instagraming and facebooking about the day and of course there will be a blog post all about it later this month. 🙂 But first I must to turn my attention to this week’s #CookBlogShare Roundup…
Brrr, it is feeling just a tad chilly now isn’t it? Especially now the clocks have gone back and suddenly the evenings are properly dark. And I live in Sussex, so I can’t imagine how cold and dark it must be ‘Up North’ by now! 😉 To tell the truth, I’m not a huge fan of the cold (though I like it better than the rain!), but it does give me a great excuse to eat my favourite kind of food: soups, stews and curries – and it was definitely those which caught my eye among all the fab recipes that were linked up last week.
Just in case you are not a #CookBlogShare regular and are wondering what an earth I am going on about, #CookBlogShare is a place for bloggers to share their recipes. If you are a blogger and have a recipe to share, you can link up your post by following the instructions below. If you are not a blogger, but love food and cooking, do check out the recipes that will be appearing below. If this week is as good as they usually are you will find some awesome recipes – the #CookBlogShare bloggers are very good at what they do!
4 Deliciously Warming Meals for Chilly Days
So, first up we have this amazing slow cooked Beef and Barley Vegetable Stew from Corina at Searching for Spice. This recipe sounds so hearty and filling – and if you have a slow cooker and can get yourself organised (!) this would be a brilliant recipe to make in the morning to have ready in time for dinner. How amazing to be sitting there at work all day knowing you’ve got dinner all sorted already – and it’s this scrumptious!!
Or what about a warming, spicy curry? Last week there were two delicious curries shared in the Cook Blog Share Linky and being a huge curry fan, I just had to include both in my roundup. The first one was this amazing vegan Aloo Masala from Nico at Yumsome. This really easy mild potato curry was taught to Nico in India by her friend Usha, so it’s super authentic. Nico describes this curry as ‘akin to being wrapped in a duvet, and vegging out on the sofa, bingeing on Netflix’ – who doesn’t like the sound of that?
The second curry is this rather fabulous gluten and dairy free Chicken Peanut Curry from Kate at The Gluten Free Alchemist, or rather Kate’s husband… If you follow The Gluten Free Alchemist, you will know that from time to time Kate’s clever daughter, ‘Miss GF’ makes her appearance, with her series #MissGFMakes, but this recipe was actually made by Mr GF! Blogging and recipe development is clearly becoming a family affair over at GFA towers! This curry is full of crunchy peanuts and delicious warming spices and just so happens to be totally gluten and dairy free (though obviously not nut free!) I was especially impressed by this one as it included homemade peanut butter, made by Miss GF. (I was not so impressed, though, by the sound of the resulting pile of stuff in the sink!)
Finally we have this gorgeous Borlotti Bean, Vegetable And Spinach Soup from Mandy at Sneaky Veg. It sounds so warming and delicious, plus it is full of goodness from all those veggies Mandy has sneaked in, and it is vegetarian and vegan friendly to boot. It sounds just perfect to come home to after a chilly walk, plus it only takes 30 minutes to make and can be made ahead of time – now that’s my kind of meal!
#CookBlogShare Linky Week 45
And so we come to this week’s linky. You can link up any foodie post that you have – both old and new posts are welcome. All you need to do is:
- Link up a recipe or foodie post by clicking the blue ‘add your link’ button below and following the instructions
- Add a link from your post back to this post (so everyone else can find it and link up too!)
- Add the #CookBlogShare badge to your post (you can find the code below)
- Comment on some of the other recipes linked up here and generally share the love with a bit of social media action!
If you wish, you can tweet a link to your recipe to me @easypeasyfoodie, using #CookBlogShare and I will retweet them. You can also post your recipe on the Cook Blog Share Facebook Page.
I will comment on all the posts this week and pin them all to the Cook Blog Share Pinterest Board. I can’t wait to see what you’ve all been making!
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Just to remind you, by joining in you are giving the #CookBlogShare hosts permission to use your pictures in a round up and on social media, if your recipe is selected as one of our favourites!
Next week’s linky will be hosted by Mandy over at Sneaky Veg.
Monika Dabrowski says
Have fun at the River Cottage, looking forward to reading all about it!
Eb Gargano says
Thanks Monika! I will be blogging all about it soon 🙂 Eb x
Jessica Cantoni says
Have so much fun at Rivert Cottage! Can’t wait to hear all about it! It was my absolute favourite programme and am so jealous you are going! Will be linking up tonight 🙂 x
Eb Gargano says
Aw, thanks! It was an amazing day. I will be blogging all about it soon 🙂 Xx
Corina says
Great round up Eb and thank you so much for featuring my beef and barley vegetable stew – It’s definitely right for this kind of weather. Hope you have a great day today at River Cottage x
Eb Gargano says
Aw, thanks Corina 🙂 It’s a fab stew…just my kind of thing! River Cottage was AMAZING, thanks!! Eb x
Mandy says
Thanks so much for including my soup Eb. I feel like I could do with a bowl of it right now as I type away. Even though my heating is on I am still sitting with a blanket around me! Brrrrr. Hope you are having a fabulous day at River Cottage. Can’t deny that I’m a teeny bit jealous! x
Eb Gargano says
A pleasure Mandy and thank you…the River Cottage was amazing…such a shame you weren’t there! Next time!! Xx
ema says
Definitely time for winter warmers now the snow has started here in the Limousin!
Eb Gargano says
REALLY???? Yikes. I heard on the news they had some in Leeds, too. Here in Sussex, snow in November is pretty unlikely!! But it is still cccc…cold! Eb x
jenny paulin says
That chicken peanut curry sounds delicious! i love eating stews and curries at this time of year , so comforting. So sorry I did to get to meet you at River Cottage, I was unable to attend at the last minute sadly
Thank you for hosting. x
Eb Gargano says
Doesn’t it just? Oh how awful that you were not able to come to the River Cottage! You must have been gutted. And it would have been lovely to have met you there! Another time!! Eb x
Kate - gluten free alchemist says
Thanks so much for featuring my Peanut Curry Eb. Really appreciate it!
Hope you had a great day at River Cottage xx
Eb Gargano says
A pleasure, Kate – you know I can’t resist a good curry! Had an amazing time at the River Cottage – post all about it coming soon! Eb x
Angela / Only Crumbs Remain says
Hahaha, it has been a wee bit chilly up north Eb, and I’m only in yorkshire, it must be even chillier further up into Scotland! Great round up Eb, i love comforting warm food at this time of year.
Angela x
Eb Gargano says
Yes, I was definitely made for the South. Far too cold for me in the North!! I am already wearing 2 jumpers and I have the central heating on and it’s only November. Call me a southern softy, if you will! Gives me a great excuse for eating fab comfort food, though! Eb x